“Are You There God” created to empower believers and yet believers that God is always present. In life we all have a journey to experience and story to share with others. Thus, God did not create us to walk this road alone. God desires to protect, provide, correct, and direct us, but we must recognize that He exist. We have to acknowledge that life is more than what is visible to our eyes and understand that an encounter with Jesus is both spiritual and tangible through God’s Word.
“Are You There God” was birthed by reflecting on my experiences and wanting to share this with others to inspire and lead them to Christ! It’s a practical application of my life and biblical accounts, which helped me to see God. Those same experiences may be your story or different, but reflection on your life can help you see where God was and still is today.
I hope that as I share my story with you, it will help you recognize, encounter, and embrace the living God who longs to be your lifelong partner. Jesus Christ never meant of us to experience life without Him and His companionship. God loves you so much that He gave His only Son (John 3:16 NIV) for your sins, for your present existence, and your future eternal salvation.
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WORRY LESS Daily Journal

This journal was created to help you WORRY-LESS! Worry and anxiety are a part of our daily life. But worrying and anxiousness can lead to stress and health issues that God never intended for us to carry. Now is the time to regain a sound mind, control our thoughts, minimize our stress, and enhance the positive state of our health.
The Worry Less daily journal will help restore, refresh, and renew your mind so that your thoughts and actions are aligned with the Word of God to live to your fullest potential mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
The Worry Less daily journal offers
~ A Bible Study Community that you can connect with to be encouraged, grow, and stay accountable.
~ Daily Scriptures to strengthen you in the Word of God and minimize the worry and anxiety in your life.
~ Guided Reflection Questions to promote a deeper understanding of each verse and how it impacts your life.
~ Note pages to construct your prayer request.
~ Blog Posts tailored to boost spirits, inspire, subside worry, and promote peace.
So, let’s renew our state of mind together by meditating on God’s Word daily. In this activity journal, I share some of my favorite worry scriptures that helped me in my time of need. After reading, review the reflection questions and create a call to action. I hope it leads you to reflect on your thinking and commit to transforming your mind in God’s Word so you can live the life you were called to live and WORRY-LESS!
FEAR NOT Daily Journal

Welcome to this journal, created to help you overcome fear. God is more Powerful than fear! According to 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” A sound mind enables us to control our emotions, practice self-discipline, and resist fear. It’s not always easy to conquer our fears, but as God’s children, we have the power to overcome fear and defeat the enemy’s schemes.
Unmanaged fear can lead to a paralyzed existence influencing how you live and causing you to not function at your fullest potential. Fear can incite stress and health issues that God never intended for us to experience. It’s time to regain our minds, control our thoughts, resist fear, and enhance our mental and physical health.
So, let’s renew our state of mind together by meditating on God’s Word daily. After meditating on the Word of God, review the provided activities, reflection questions, and call to action to reflect on the root causes of your fears and transform your mind. We can live the life we were called to live.
The Fear Not daily journal offers:
~ A Bible Study Community that you can connect with to be encouraged, grow, and stay accountable.
~ Daily Scriptures to strengthen you in the Word of God to stabilize the fear and defeat the enemy.
~ Guided Reflection Questions to help encounter what the Holy Spirit is saying to you through His Word and your circumstance.
~ Note pages to construct your prayer request, write what you are grateful for, and what Jesus has freed you from.
~ Blog Posts tailored to inspire, combat fear, and encourage peace.